
Building the new
 forest economy

Using data, technology, and forests to remove carbon dioxide & protect biodiversity

Trusted by

0+ landowners

Live in

0 countries

CO₂ to Be Sequestered

0 t

We provide landowners and credit buyers with a verified, data-backed way of collaborating.

Forests have the potential to remove 6-8 gigatonnes of carbon annually. Currently, we're only at 2.

By having companies manage their emissions by supporting forestry, we move closer to removing more carbon dioxide and protecting biodiversity.

Buy carbon credits

We’re looking for landowners to join us


Afforestation =
more forests

Our data models help you quickly find
the best areas of your land to plant
new forests on.

Earn up to 16 000 €/ha by planting forests.

Earn forest income

Impact Forestry =

better forests

We’ll help create a custom plan for your existing forests to remove carbon and increase biodiversity to enable new revenue streams. 

Earn carbon income in addition to timber.

Earn forest income

Featured in

Featured in

TechCrunchEU StartupsEuronewsDienaMaaseudun TulevaisuusÄrilehtETV Osoon

Afforesting 14 million hectares of abandoned land across Europe has the potential to add €2.2 billion to the European economy

Helping hundreds of landowners get carbon income

"The carbon project agreement doesn't limit your ability to manage your forest. The forest stays yours, and it keeps growing stronger."

Mikk, Landowner

“Afforestation allows us to do good for the planet while also earning extra income from carbon credits. Everyone benefits—both the planet and its people."

Toms, Landowner

Ready to earn up to 16 000 €/ha?

Estimate the potential carbon income for your land and contribute to more forests for us all

Earn forest income
Forest, Arbonics

Our landowners are projected to sequester more than 571 000 tonnes of carbon ...and we can prove it.

Our technology is here to drive trust and accountability in our solutions. We have developed comprehensive data models to monitor planting, growth and success, using data from landowners, satellites, remote sensors, and more.